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Rose I love your writing!! I’m a new subscriber and yes it was after reading your 2018 article on menopause, because I could relate so intensely! Your situation is a bit different than mine in that I didn’t have quite as much of the depressive effects but my sleep was a mess and my energy below ground. The apathy and mental and physical fatigue I felt was profound. Literally couldn’t do anything without two months of procrastination at least! Two things that have helped me: one, I was tested for sleep apnoea which is an increasingly common problem as people age (our tissues get laxer, Duh) and which I was surprised to find I had a severe version of. It can cause a myriad of symptoms. The treatment for that helped me not as much as I would’ve thought (or hoped) however. But.... and here’s what I’ve been taking so long to get to 😄my son was recently started on a medication for attention deficit disorder and the more I looked into it and watched him the more I realized some of my symptoms were possibly exacerbated ADD (which is often made significantly worse by menopause). i’ve started Vyvance and it’s been life-changing. Just wondering if you ever thought of looking into that. It has helped me not only with my sleep and ability to up in the morning but surprisingly my mood, general energy level and, not at all surprisingly, my ability to focus. It’s been life-changing for me. they have done studies where they’ve given it to post menopausal patients even without a past history of ADD and found substantial improvements in executive/cognitive functioning. I just hate to hear that you’re still suffering so much and I just wanted to put those ideas out there in case there was anything else that might help you. You’ve probably been getting all sorts of unwanted advice and this may definitely fall in that category and I’m sorry if I stepped over the line here but I’ve had a taste of what a horrible place menopause can be and I’m just trying to offer my experience in case anything can help!!! Thanks for your raw honesty.

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